Learn how to perform a HANDSTAND with

a unique yet simple technique

Handstand Mastery is for anyone who wants to learn this skill without wasting time, money and avoiding injuries.


Join the most comprehensive handstand program ever made before June 15th (extended due to the success of the first pre-launch phase) to get 45%, early access to a private group, and a one-on-one special gift for early investors - see below!

Lifetime access to everything is just £44 (Later £82). Offer Expires Soon.

What You'll Learn In This Course

Level Zero - the Foundation

Features and Benefits:

  • Assessment of your starting point

  • Eliminating headrush when upside down

  • Understanding shoulder and thoracic mobility

  • Warm-up sequences for injury prevention

  • Starting to use the program's unique technique

Level 1 - The Basics

Features and Benefits:

  • Wrist bulletproofing

  • Shoulder strenghtening

  • Simpler skills that translate to the handstand

  • Effective workout routine

  • mobility, stability and strength in different ranges of motion

  • debunking myths

Level 2 - Getting upside down (the secret technique)

Features and Benefits:

  • At Level 2 you are already doing an assisted handstand! - no waste of time

  • Holding 100% of your bodyweight on your hands

  • The secret technique applied to the back-to-wall handstand

  • more advanced strength exercises

  • balance practice

Level 3 - Learning how to fail

Features and Benefits:

  • The importance of the mental aspect

  • learning to bail comfortably and losing the fear factor

  • bulletproofing to avoid injury and pain

  • Chest-to-wall handstand exercises

  • balance practice

Level 4 - the Freestanding handstand

Features and Benefits:

  • the best techniques to kick up

  • the secret unique technique that reduces the learning curve drastically!

  • final stage exercises and practice routines

  • balance practice

  • Fast achievement of your first freestanding handstand and development of consistency

Bonus level

Features and Benefits:

  • For those who want to get their handstand to a new level

  • handstand on parallettes

  • handstand on high dip bars

  • different positions such as tuck, straddle, uneven

  • preparation for the handstand push up

Limited Time Pre-Launch Bonuses

Amazing Bonuses

  • Special bonus: Only as an early bird you will get a FREE 1-on-1 online meeting with me so that we can assess your handstand level, analyze your form, and discuss how you can best benefit from this course no matter your starting level (not mandatory, you will be asked after enrolling).

  • Private Community: Get all your questions answered so you are never second guessing or wasting time!

  • Customized Course: The course will be built around your specific needs as an early adopter (in case you have recommendations or suggestions). This is something that folks will not get to experience with the finished course! 

What's Included In Handstand Mastery

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Rafael Asche and I am an average guy who has learned how to do a handstand in his 30's. In fact, in spite of having a very active childhood, I have spent most of my adult days in a sedentary way, since I worked as a researcher and university lecturer.

In spite of my joy to teach people, the unhealthy lifestyle I was having from sitting too much caused me a number of issues such as chronic neck pain. That was the beginning of my journey exercising, and the improvements were so life-changing that I have decided to dedicate my life teaching others how to live healthier too. Throughout the previous years, I have invested extensively in calisthenics and became passionate to see what else my body was capable of. Skills such as handstands and muscle ups became reality as a consequence of that.

After spending hours and hours looking for tutorials on how to perform the handstand I always felt that there was a missing link, since I was already able to hold the position for a few seconds without support, but I only achieved it 1-2 out of 10 times. After implementing the innovative method that I have developed, from one moment to another my handstand went from inconsistent to advanced. That surprised me a lot because normally the so-called "beginner gains" are also common for skills, and at more advanced levels the progress is slower. But the opposite happened with my handstad after this new method. I want to share all of it with you, so that you too can achieve your goal. And even much faster than I did! This skill does not require years of training and I will prove it to you.

I was often discouraged when I saw all those people teaching how to master the handstand but many of them were gymnasts or athletes who had been doing this their entire lives. I did not even have the proper flexibility to get into the position to do some of the drills, and always wondered if I was capable of learning it, since I couldn't even do the basic exercises. But through my long process of trial and error I was able to understand that those exercises might be good, but they are not indispensable to learn the handstand and I was able to master it too. And guess what the #1 thing I've learned throughout this entire journey is...?  👉  You do not need any initial hamstring flexibility (although that makes it much easier), prior strength nor experience or crazy drills... Remember: when I started I could not even touch my knees or put my head down without feeling completely dizzy! All you need is the correct method! Once you understand the fundamentals of hand balancing, the sky is the limit as far as what you can achieve. AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to spread the message to everybody out there and provide the world's most comprehensive online course for helping both aspiring regular people or athletes to quickly develop this skill no matter what their initial point or brackground is. If I could achieve it, so can you!

You WILL learn how to perform a handstand. The program works, you only need to put some effort. All I ask from you is a 3-4x weekly commitment of 15-20min per session - you do not need to exclude any other current training you have going on, you can even do the exercises in your rest time. People are blown away at how fast they can learn a skill when they follow a proven step-by-step process. Do not worry if life gets in the way and you need to pause, because you get lifetime access to the course. I hope you're as excited as I am for you to begin this journey! And don't forget to take advantage of the early-bird bonus and have a FREE session with me! I hope to meet you soon!

Who Is This Course For?

  • You want to learn how to be able to do a handstand in a fast manner

  • You value proper technique, injury prevention and joint preparation for a smooth and enjoyable practice

  • People who value fast and efficient learning through a detailed and exhaustive method

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Your aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error

  • You are not capable of dedicating 15min sessions a few times per week to invest in the handstand

Frequently Asked Questions

What skill level is this program for?

The course is for everyone - from a complete beginner who are not able to put their head down without getting dizzy, to a more advanced athlete who wish to optimize their technique.

How long do I have access to the program & when should I expect to finish it?

You will get lifetime access to the program and complete it at your own pace and according to your own personal progress. I value creating an honest offer, so I do not advertize programs such as "learn to handstand in 1 day", or "you will do a freestanding handstand in 1 week". Such statements are usually empty promises, because each person learns at a different pace and has a different starting point. What I can assure you is: you WILL learn how to do a handstand. And it will be fast!

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Even though you might find good tutorials out there, you would not have access to the unique technique that I have developed, which cannot be found anywhere else, nor to an exhaustive and step-by-step methodology for you to follow with detailed instructions on your form, safety, joint preparation, mobility drills, strengthening exercises and all the necessary aspects that you need to learn this skill fast and efficiently.

When does the Program start?

As an early-bird, you will have instant access to the welcome module. Besides, you will be granted access to a private group to provide suggestions or special requirements. The Program is expected to be released fully until June 15th.

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely! Handstand Mastery has a 5-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Handstand Mastery Program, then contact us within 5 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

© 2024 AscheFit

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the  Handstand Mastery are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The Handstand Mastery Program.